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How to Lower Your Car Insurance Rates

The short answer: Let one of our agents do the work for you. Get real quotes from a real human now.

how to lower car insurance rate

1. How to lower car insurance rate: Keep A Clean Driving Record

It’s no secret- being a safe driver is the simplest way to keep your insurance cheap. We all know that it can take just one speeding ticket to greatly affect you insurance rates. Working towards a clean driving history is your golden ticket to keeping your insurance rates low.

Even if you have made a few mistakes in the past, it’s not impossible to get back on track. If you have a violation filled past, you might be a good candidate for broadform or non-owners insurance. Ask your agent about this now.

2. Compare Insurance Costs BEFORE you buy a vehicle to keep your car insurance rate low

Auto insurance premiums are based on the car’s worth, the cost to replace or repair it, and safety records.

Some cars are extremely costly to insure, such as the Lexus NX 300h, the Dodge Ram 1500 rebel, and even some models of the nissan altima can put cause your premiums to skyrocket.

Also, make sure to note if the vehicle you are buying has any prior damage, theft, or title issues as those factors can impact your rates.

That’s why we can’t emphasize enough…talk to your agent first!

agent Katie

3. Consider Raising Your Deductibles

By asking for higher deductibles, your insurance premium will go down. For example going from a $500 deductible to $1,000 could save you 40 percent or more.

5. How to lower car insurance rate: Bundle Your Auto Insurance

There are a multitude of other insurance products you can bundle your auto policy with.

Consider purchasing home or renters with the same company as well. Many companies offer a significant discount for bundling your auto with homeowners renters.

Progressive offers great bundling discounts and you would be missing out if you don’t ask your agent about these huge savings opportunities.

how to lower car insurance rate
How to lower car insurance rate

6. Maintaining a Good Credit Score is one way how to lower car insurance rate

Since most companies use your credit information to determine your insurance rates, it’s important to pay bills on time, and keep balances low to keep your record in good standing.

Typically a credit score above 670 is considered good, so do what you reasonably can to maintain it or get it even higher.

Also, don’t try to dupe your insurance company. If you can’t pay a bill, the worst thing to do is cancel your policy and go to another company with the hopes no one will find out about that balance due. That unpaid balance will be sent to collections, further hurting your credit score, and other companies will be alerted to the fact that you have trouble paying your bills.

7. Always ask about More Discounts to keep insurance rates low

Some companies differ in the discounts they offer so it’s important to ask. But there are many potential opportunities you could be missing out on such as:

education discount
Responsible driver
prior insurance
approved safety course
vehicle usage & Mileage
Anti lock brakes
Multi Lines Discount
prompt payment
Married discount
PIF Discount
advanced quote
multi policy
Garaged or locked storage
EFT Discount
Paperless Discount
Usage based program discount
How To Lower Car Insurance Rate
how to lower car insurance rate
how to lower car insurance rate

8. How to lower car insurance rate: Take Advantage of Auto Pay or EFT

As mentioned above, don’t miss out on easy discount opportunities. Auto pay and paperless discounts happen to have a huge impact on how much you can save, and they are the easiest to qualify for!

Set up automatic payments through your company if you are paying monthly to keep your insurance premiums low. Not doing so can mean significantly higher rates each month.

9. How to lower car insurance rate: Pay Your Premium in Full

Don’t forget this option, since it could well be worth it. No one likes parting with a large amount of money at one time, but if you are wondering how to lower car insurance rates, this is it.

If you are able to do so, paying in full for 6 months or a year can save $100’s on your auto insurance versus paying monthly.

How to lower car insurance rate
how to lower car insurance rate with agent

10. How to lower car insurance rate: Avoid auto-renewal

When you are up for renewal, call your provider and see what they can do to lower your premium. If you aren’t satisfied with their renewal offer, get in contact with an agent who can shop around to different carriers and find you a better rate.

Untitled design 2

How to lower your car insurance?

Adjust Your Coverage
Maintain Good Credit
Shop Around Different Insurance Providers
Increase Your Deductible Limits
Keep Insurance Active / Do Not Let Your Insurance Lapse
Ask About Discounts
Consider Your Annual Mileage
Maintain A Clean Driving Record
Take A Defensive Driving Course
Bundle Insurance Policies
Pay In Full
Avoid Duplicate Coverages
Consider The Year / Make / Model of Your Vehicle When Shopping For Insurance

What are effective ways to lower car insurance rates?

To lower car insurance rates, consider bundling policies, maintaining a good driving record, increasing your deductible, and exploring discounts. A Plus Insurance can provide personalized advice based on your specific situation.

How can A Plus Insurance help me reduce my car insurance costs?

A Plus Insurance shops multiple carriers to find you the best rates. We can help you explore discounts, adjust coverage, and find ways to reduce your car insurance costs while ensuring you have the coverage you need.

Have questions? Call us at 1.888.445.2793.

If you have specific questions or need personalized advice on how to lower your car insurance rates, call us at 1.888.445.2793. Our team is here to provide expert guidance tailored to your needs.

How does having a good driving record help lower car insurance?

Maintaining a good driving record can help lower car insurance rates because insurance companies often offer discounts to drivers with a history of safe driving. Fewer accidents and traffic violations demonstrate a lower risk, making you eligible for better rates. A clean driving record is a key factor in securing affordable car insurance.

Ready to Start? Get Your Quote Now!

Last Updated on by Zee Caddick

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