Insurance Companies and Kia and Hyundai Thefts

Kia and Hyundai thefts

Roughly 66% of vehicle thefts today involve Kia and Hyundai models. Car theft has spiked since the pandemic and has recently increased within the past few months, especially with these two particular vehicle types.

Progressive Insurance is known worldwide as a company that will insure just about anyone, and any product. As an Insurance broker, Progressive is our go-to when quoting a challenging situation, such as an international license, foreign or salvaged vehicle, High-risk SR-22 client, and many other situations.

Progressive is always great at insuring just about everything we need when other companies will not. However, since the uprise in Kia and Hyundai thefts, Progressive is turning away these vehicles like many other well-known companies such as State Farm, and All-State.

Customers who have had Insurance with a company are now receiving ‘Non-Renewal’ offers because of their high-risk vehicles, driven by the concerning Kia and Hyundai thefts. So what are customers supposed to do if they cannot obtain insurance? If they can find a company to insure their vehicle, the cost will likely be increased because of the high risk the insurance provider will be taking on.

As an auto insurance agent, it’s important to acknowledge the impact of Kia and Hyundai thefts on insurance rates and availability while assisting your clients in finding suitable solutions for their unique insurance needs in this challenging environment.

Kia and Hyundai Thefts – Why are they targeted

What makes Kia and Hyundai thefts so prevalent compared to other types of vehicles? One of the biggest reasons is the Immobilizers. 96% of vehicles sold had immobilizers as standard equipment in the vehicle, but apparently, only 25% of Kia’s and Hyundai’s have immobilizers. Perhaps this is the reason the vehicles are so cheap, they are poorly made from a risk of theft standpoint.

These vehicles are so easy to break into and steal, according to the latest TikTok trend, young people are speaking out as to how easy they are to steal. One person stated, that all they used was a screwdriver to break in, and a USB cord to plug in and turn on the ignition!

Kia and Hyundai thefts

TikTok is a rapidly growing platform, and many of you may hear about the TikTok Challenges. As if the risk of owning a Kia and Hyundai wasn’t enough, there is now a social media TikTok Challenge inspiring others to steal these vehicles and make a video. In order to appease fellow TikTokkers, people are challenging each other to perform the acts of stealing and destroying vehicles, just for the challenge. Most of the vehicles are left somewhere random at the end of the escapade, but some vehicles are completely destroyed.

Kia and Hyundai TheftsHow to obtain Insurance if you own a Kia or Hyundai

If you own a Kia or Hyundai, and you are having a hard time obtaining insurance, or finding a new Insurance company after a Non Renewal, do not be discouraged. My advice is to call an Insurance Broker, like us at A Plus Insurance, which is able to save you time and hassle in finding an affordable Insurance provider.

We are licensed in over 30 States, with several Insurance companies that we are able to look at and compare prices. Chances are, if you can’t find a company to insure your vehicle – we can! Also has insight and tips on how to get coverage for hard-to-insure cars.

If you obtain auto insurance, you may be faced with paying a higher premium for your Kia or Hyundai due to the high risk of theft. You can consider altering your coverages to allow for an affordable premium. You can install safety features, such as anti-theft devices which some companies may honor a discount for having. If possible, you can park your vehicle in a locked garage to minimize the risk of your vehicle being stolen.

Kia and Hyundai Thefts

Kia and Hyundai vehicles are popular targets for theft due to their popularity and value. To reduce the risk of theft and protect your Kia or Hyundai vehicle, consider the following precautions:

  1. Install Anti-Theft Devices: Invest in aftermarket anti-theft devices such as car alarms, steering wheel locks, wheel locks, and immobilizers. These devices can deter thieves and make it more difficult for them to steal your vehicle.
  2. Park in Secure Locations: Park your Kia or Hyundai in well-lit, populated areas whenever possible. If you have a garage or secure parking facility available, use it to store your vehicle overnight. Avoid parking in isolated or poorly lit areas where thieves are more likely to target vehicles.
  3. Use Common Sense: Always lock your vehicle and close all windows and sunroofs when parking. Never leave your keys inside the car, even for a short period. Additionally, avoid leaving valuable items in plain sight, as they can attract thieves.
  4. Be Vigilant: Stay alert and aware of your surroundings, especially when parking or leaving your vehicle unattended. Report any suspicious activity to law enforcement immediately.
  5. Install Tracking Devices: Consider installing a GPS tracking device in your Kia or Hyundai. These devices can help authorities locate your vehicle quickly in the event of theft, increasing the chances of recovery.
  6. Update Security Features: Ensure that your vehicle’s security features, such as keyless entry systems and electronic locks, are up-to-date and functioning correctly. If your vehicle has a remote key fob, keep it in a secure location when not in use to prevent unauthorized access.
  7. Register Your Vehicle: Register your Kia or Hyundai with a national vehicle registration database such as the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB). This can help law enforcement track and recover your vehicle if it is stolen.
  8. Stay Informed: Stay informed about recent trends and patterns in auto thefts, particularly in your area. Follow local news and law enforcement updates to stay informed about any security risks or concerns.

By taking these precautions, you can reduce the risk of theft and protect your Kia or Hyundai vehicle from potential theft or vandalism.

Frequently Asked Questions About Kia and Hyundai Thefts

Q1: Are Kia and Hyundai vehicles more prone to theft?

A1: Kia and Hyundai vehicles are not necessarily more prone to theft than other brands. Theft rates can vary by model, location, and security features. It’s essential to take precautions like using anti-theft devices and parking in well-lit areas to reduce the risk of theft.

Q2: What are some anti-theft measures for Kia and Hyundai owners?

A2: Kia and Hyundai owners can protect their vehicles by using steering wheel locks, installing car alarms, and keeping windows closed and doors locked when not in use. GPS tracking systems and immobilizers can also deter thieves and help recover stolen vehicles.

Q3: Do insurance companies offer discounts for anti-theft measures on Kia and Hyundai cars?

A3: Yes, many insurance companies offer discounts for installing anti-theft devices on Kia and Hyundai cars. These discounts can help lower your insurance premiums while improving the security of your vehicle.

Q4: What Kia and Hyundai models are being stolen?

A4: The likelihood of theft can vary by model and location. It’s advisable to check with local law enforcement or relevant authorities for specific information on stolen Kia and Hyundai models in your area. Additionally, taking anti-theft precautions can help protect your vehicle regardless of its make and model.

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Last Updated on by Marlon Moss


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