“Car Insurance Compare..”

Car Insurance Compare, because it pays to shop around! In fact this is the philosophy behind choosing a Brokerage to Shop for you! We can look at the rates and Compare! Why is this wise?

Reason One

Every company is different and so are their rating factors. This directly impacts your rate making it vital to shop.

car insurance compare

Reason Two

How will you know which company has the cheapest monthly cost unless you shop around?

car insurance compare

Reason Three

Not all companies are the right fit for you. Some offer multi car and driver discounts, others are kinder to violations.

car insurance compare


Each company collects the data you give them about yourself and your vehicle. This bucket of content is weighed with statistics that give you your rate.

What statistics? Well, according to Investopedia.com

“Statistics is a branch of applied mathematics that involves the collection, description, analysis, and inference of conclusions from quantitative data.”

In simpler terms… the data they have gives them an educated guess as to the RISK of insuring a certain individual. What does this have to do with your rate? Well let’s take gender for example! The graph below shows you the cost of insurance for a Male VS a Female.

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Do Females pay less?
CarrierAverage Cost
Acceptance RTR$133
The General$136
Mendota Ins. Company$149
Bristol West$151
Progressive Insurance$158
National General$160
21st Century$161
Liberty Mutual$169
State Auto$172
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Young Males Typically Pay More!
CarrierAverage Cost
Acceptance RTR$166
The General$166
21st Century$177
Mendota Ins. Company$179
Bristol West$184
Progressive Insurance$187
National General$195

Now if you are a female, you may be EXTREMELY happy. But if you are Male, you are paying much more on average for insurance. Except in Florida…. but Florida has it’s own issues….like BEING Florida.

This Rating Factor is based on DATA! Male Drivers tend to get into more accidents…. thus higher cost for coverage. This is just ONE rating factor.. there are many more. Like Age!

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When you cross over 25, rates begin to drop.
CarrierAverage Cost
National General$137
Bristol West$140
Acceptance RTR$154
American Family$154
Progressive Insurance$159
21st Century$165
Mendota Ins. Company$178

So hopefully it is clear that rating factors alone is a motivating reason to shop around. Certain carriers give fantastic discounts and bundling opportunities. In any case, don’t settle. Shop, Shop, Shop!


We know that rates are competitive in the insurance space. This is why it is smart to partner with a Brokerage like us here at A Plus Insurance. But don’t take our word for it, check out what WalletHub has to say about the topic of Car Insurance Comparing.

WalletHub.com Car Insurance Compare – Why and When

WalletHub’s suggestion is to shop every so often to confirm that you are getting the best rate. So if you see your rate rising, don’t settle, shop around. At the very least it’ll be good for you to know that where you are is the best rate, instead of wondering if you are overpaying for auto insurance. Whether we like it or not, insurance isn’t cookie cutter.

Every Carrier decides on your premium a little differently. So if you’re looking for cheap car insurance, you’ve gotta shop!

A Local Carrier in your area may just be the way to go, not just the big name brands. So how will you know unless you shop?

Let’s Car Insurance Compare Together!

We are going to look at a few pieces of data for one of the 35 States that we sell car insurance, Colorado! We think it’ll illustrate the real reason to compare prices when it comes to car insurance shopping.

CarrierAverage Cost
Assurance America$96
Progressive Insurance$100
The General$102
National General$105
Mendota Ins. Company$106
21st Century$120
Bristol West$126
American Family$129
Liberty Mutual$131
State Auto$135
Car Insurance Compare Rates for Liability Only
image depicts a white background with the word Dairyland
Liability Only Winner for this Snapshot

With the above chart Dairyland far and above has the better rate for Liability Only Insurance in Colorado for example. A State with one of the highest insurance rates in the Nation.

Let’s say that you need greater coverages than just liability. Does Dairyland still lead the pack?

CarrierAverage Cost
National General$135
Progressive Insurance$136
Mendota Ins. Company$147
Acceptance RTR$148
The General$149
Bristol West$150
Liberty Mutual$160
State Farm$171
American Family$174
Car Insurance Compare Rates for Full Coverage
Full Coverage Winner for this Snapshot of Car Insurance Compare

Now notice the chart above, Dairyland was the winner price-wise for Liability Only. But slap Full Coverage on that auto and suddenly Dairyland isn’t even in the top 15! National General pulls to the Top!



Checking back in with WalletHub, they break down the four keys to How to Shop for Car Insurance!



The first key to ‘Car Insurance Compare Strategies’ is to look at three companies at least! Do not get tunneled onto one company. It is also advisiable to shop regional carriers, not solely the national companies. While a smaller regional company might be more limited when it comes to discounts and the like, they may have policies perfect for what your needs are.

CarrierAverage Cost
National General$136
Mendota Ins. Company$146
Car Insurance Compare
Look at more than one company.

The second key was to look for the discounts! Below is a list, it is important to note that you MUST be the advocate for your coverage. These discounts are available to you IF you take advantage of them in your Car Insurance Compare Strategies.

Impact on ratesDiscounts Available
MildMulti Vehicle
HighPaid in Full
MildEducation Discount
MildMulti Policy
HighAdvanced Quote
HighAuto Pay
Very HighContinuous Insurance
Car Insurance Compare
Just SOME of the discounts you can take advantage of!

If you don’t think this discount thing has any merit, compare the discounts that each company looks at. Let’s take three PROGRESSIVE INSURANCE, DAIRYLAND INSURANCE, and ADVANTAGE AUTO/MENDOTA. Below is a chart of the discounts they value:

ProgressiveDairylandMendota Advantage Auto
Paperless DiscountMulti VehicleNo Accidents or Violations
MarriedHomeownersContinuous Insurance
MilitaryMulti PolicyHomeowners
No Accidents or ViolationsMilitaryMarried
Multi PolicyAuto PayPaid in Full
Advanced QuoteNo Accidents or ViolationsMulti Vehicle
Education DiscountPaid in FullAuto Pay
Auto PayContinuous Insurance
Paid in FullMarried
Continuous Insurance
Multi Vehicle
Car Insurance Compare

Progressive leads the pack here with discounts, but some of the discounts may have no merit for your situation. For example if you’re single and need to start your policy NOW. But if you’re ready to PAY IN FULL and have no Accidents and need Liability Only then another carrier may be a better fit!

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The third key is to keep your policy details consistent! This is the only way to compare apples to apples. When you look at the chart below you’ll see different companies, but we’d like to draw your attention to the Coverage options.

The General’s price of Liability only covers damages you may cause to others, bodily or property damages. But the Dairyland Full Coverage option has Comprehensive and Collision added to the quote. This is an added coverage options that protects YOUR auto. VERY different policies, VERY different prices.

CarrierAverage Cost
The General – Liability Only$82
Dairyland – Full Coverage $1,000 Deductibles$192
Progressive Insurance – Liability with Medical Payment$104
Mendota Ins. Company – Liability, Uninsured Motorist PD$98
Car Insurance Compare
Different Policy Coverage Options Yield DIFFERENT Premiums

If your coverage options are not consistent during your quoting prices, you won’t really know which carrier is offering the best price.

QUICK TIP: Have a PDF of your current policy and see if your insurance agent can match the options with other carriers. Now THAT is car insurance comparing.

The last Key is to have your information ready! VIN Number, Driver’s Lic number, previous insurance information, coverage choices. To that end..

Call Us! This is what WE do!

STEP 1 Call Us or start an online quote below

STEP 2 One of our Agents confirms your rate!

our lovely agents
Our Agents are standing by ready to help you with your insurance needs. We are trained to shop for discounts and licensed to sell!


Below is a GIANT list of insurance companies. All with different approaches to business, all fighting hard to protect their company AND cover your financial security.

It can feel like swimming in open water trying to find a raft to keep you afloat. But that is why it is wise to partner with a Brokerage.

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1State Farm Group
2Berkshire Hathaway Ins
3Progressive Ins Group
4Allstate Ins Group
5Liberty Mutual Ins Cos
6Travelers Group
7USAA Group
8Chubb INA Group
9Nationwide Group
10American Intl Group (AIG)
11Farmers Ins Group
12Hartford Ins Group
13Amer Family/Main Street America Grp
14Auto-Owners Ins Group
15Swiss Reinsurance Group
16Erie Ins Group
17Fairfax Financial (USA) Group
18Munich-American Hldg Corp Cos
19CNA Ins Cos
20Tokio Marine US PC Group
21W. R. Berkley Ins Group
22Everest Re US Group
23Cincinnati Ins Cos
24Alleghany Ins Holdings Group
25The Hanover Ins Grp Prop & Cas Cos
26Great Amer P & C Ins Grp
27Auto Club Enterprises Ins Group
28CSAA Ins Group
29Zurich Finl Svcs NA Group
30Kemper PC Companies
31MetLife Auto & Home Group
32FM Global Group
33AXA U.S. Group
34Mercury Gen Group
35Assurant P&C Group
36Markel Corp Group
37Arch Ins Group
38QBE Americas Group
39Old Republic Ins Group
40Allianz of America Companies
41Selective Ins Group
42AmTrust Group
43Auto Club Group
44COUNTRY Financial PC Group
45Amica Mutual Group
46Sompo Hldgs US Group
47Sentry Ins Group
48AXIS US Operations
49State Ins Fund WC Fund
50MAPFRE North America Group
51Natl Gen Companies
52NJM Ins Group
53EMC Ins Cos
54State Auto Ins Cos
55Westfield Group
56Shelter Ins Cos
57PartnerRe US Group
58AF Group
59Federated Mutual Group
60Acuity, A Mutual Ins Co
61Southern Farm Bureau Cas Group
62Scor US Group
63Farm Bureau P&C Group
64TN Farmers Ins Cos
65Amer Natl Prop & Cas Companies
66Alfa Ins Group
67Starr Intl Group
68State Compensation Ins Fund
69Texas Farm Bureau Group
70Grange Ins Pool
71West Bend Mutual Ins Co
72TX Mutual Ins Co
73Motorists Ins Pool
74IAT Ins Group
75OneBeacon Ins Group
76United Fire & Cas Group
77Ameriprise P&C Companies
78KY Farm Bureau Group
79Utica Natl Ins Group
80Mortgage Guar Group
81ICW Pool
82Radian Group
83CUMIS Ins Society Group
84Argo Group
85Donegal Ins Group
86NC Farm Bureau Ins Group
87Enstar Ins Group
88ProSight Specialty Group
89Universal Ins Hldgs Group
90RLI Group
91Amerisure Cos
92FCCI Ins Group
93Safety Group
94Arbella Ins Group
95Church Mutual Ins Group
96Palisades Group
97Genworth PC Group
98MI Farm Bureau Group
99Employers Ins Group
100RenaissanceRe US Group
Car Insurance Compare Companies

Why is it important to compare car insurance options?

Comparing car insurance helps you find the best coverage that suits your needs at an affordable price. Different insurers offer various rates and coverage options, so comparing allows you to make an informed decision and potentially save money. Contact us to learn more about the benefits of comparing car insurance.

What factors should I consider when comparing car insurance?

When comparing car insurance, consider coverage types, limits, deductibles, discounts, customer service, and the insurer’s reputation. Analyze what each policy offers and how it aligns with your requirements. Contact us for guidance on the important factors to consider when comparing car insurance policies.

How can I effectively compare car insurance quotes?

To effectively compare car insurance quotes, gather quotes from multiple insurers, review coverage details, assess costs, and evaluate any additional benefits or exclusions. Utilize online comparison tools or work with an insurance agent to streamline the process. Contact us for assistance in comparing car insurance quotes.

Who gives the lowest car insurance rates?

The lowest car insurance rates can vary depending on several factors, including your location, driving history, and the type of coverage you need. To find the insurer that offers the lowest rates tailored to your specific situation, it’s essential to compare quotes from multiple insurance providers. Contact us, and our experienced agents can assist you in finding the most affordable car insurance rates.

Additional Insurance Links
Auto Insurance Denver
Insurance Woodland Park
Boulder Colorado Cheap Liability Insurance
Car Insurance Compare

Last Updated on by Marlon Moss

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