Explore the Best Insurance Quotes in Ohio – Affordable Rates & Expert Advice

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Ohio State Liability Requirements

Required Liability Coverage:
$25,000 bodily injury liability per person
$50,000 bodily injury liability per accident
$25,000 property damage liability per accident
Uninsured Motorist Coverage: Rejection Form

State Minimum Car Insurance Requirements in Ohio

Are you looking for Insurance quotes in Ohio? Understanding the state’s minimum car insurance requirements is crucial for every driver.

In Ohio, the law mandates specific minimums for liability insurance to ensure that all drivers have basic protection.

These requirements are not just legal formalities; they’re essential for your financial safety on the road.

Did you know that Ohio’s minimum requirements include Bodily Injury Liability of $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident, plus Property Damage Liability of $25,000 per accident?

These are just the basics to keep you road-legal. But here’s the thing: the minimum might not cover all the costs in a serious accident.

That’s where we step in – to offer guidance and help you compare rates, ensuring you get more than just the minimum.

Comparative Table of Minimum Liability Insurance Rates in Ohio

Insurance CompanyMonthly Rate EstimateCoverage Type
Progressive$45State Minimum
National General$50State Minimum
Allstate$55State Minimum

  • State Minimum Requirements: Bodily Injury $25,000/$50,000; Property Damage $25,000.
  • Recommended Coverage: Consider higher limits for better protection.
  • Compare and Save: Check rates from multiple carriers like Progressive, National General, and Allstate.
  • Expert Guidance: Our team offers personalized advice to find the best fit for your needs.

Least Expensive Sr22 Car Insurance in Ohio

When seeking the least expensive SR22 car insurance in Ohio, affordability is crucial.

Understanding that SR22 insurance typically involves higher rates due to previous violations, you aim to find the most competitive rates.

Comparing rates across prominent insurance providers like Progressive, GEICO, and State Farm reveals estimates for SR22 coverage.

On average, GEICO often offers the most budget-friendly rates for SR22 insurance in Ohio, followed closely by Progressive.

Insurance CompanyAverage SR22 Monthly Rate
State Farm$100-$120

Evaluating these estimates emphasizes that while rates may vary based on individual circumstances, GEICO and Progressive tend to offer more competitive options for SR22 coverage in Ohio.

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SR22 Insurance Process



We gather detailed information, ensuring you have all the facts before making a decision.



Receive your SR22 insurance quote, customized to your unique needs and credit profile



We work closely with the insurance carrier to ensure that the sr22 is filed with the state


Policy Management

Our policy service doesn’t end once the documents are signed. We’re here for you, month to month.

Top Rating Factors for Home Insurance in Ohio

In Ohio, several factors significantly influence your home insurance quotes. Keep these in mind while exploring your options:

  • Home’s Age and Value: Older homes or those with higher replacement costs might attract higher premiums due to increased risk and repair costs.
  • Location Risks: Homes in areas with high crime rates or susceptibility to natural disasters like floods may see increased insurance costs.
  • Claim History: A record of frequent claims can lead to higher premiums, reflecting a higher risk for the insurer.

Knowing these factors helps in making an informed decision and potentially lowering your insurance costs. Compare offers from different providers for the best deal.

Home Insurance Rate Comparison in Ohio

Insurance CarrierAverage Annual PremiumInfluencing Factor
Dairyland$1,150Home’s Age
Travelers$1,100Claim History
Gainsco$1,080Home’s Value
Assurance America$1,060Location
National General$1,040Claim History
Bristol West$1,020Home’s Age
Mendota$1,000Home’s Value
The General$980Location
Suncoast$950Claim History

Note: The above rates are estimates and might vary based on individual circumstances.

Cheapest Car Insurance With Good Credit in Ohio

When you’re in Ohio and have good credit, finding the cheapest car insurance can be surprisingly straightforward.

Good credit works in your favor, often leading to more favorable insurance quotes in Ohio.

Insurers see good credit as a sign of responsibility, translating to lower risk and, subsequently, lower premiums. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Credit Affects Rates: A high credit score can significantly lower your car insurance rates in Ohio.
  2. Shop Around: Rates can vary between insurers, so it’s crucial to compare options.

Remember, the cheapest option isn’t always the best. Prioritize a balance of cost, coverage, and customer service.

Rate Comparison for Good Credit Car Insurance in Ohio

Insurance CarrierAverage Annual PremiumCredit Impact
National General$940Medium

Car Insurance Rating Factors in Ohio

Understanding the intricacies of car insurance rating factors in Ohio is key to securing optimal coverage.

Factors such as your driving history, vehicle make and model, and even your ZIP code significantly impact insurance rates.

Driving Record: Maintaining a clean driving record is pivotal. A history devoid of accidents or traffic violations often translates to lower premiums.

Vehicle Type: The make and model of your car influence insurance rates. High-performance vehicles might come with higher premiums.

Location Matters: Urban areas, like Columbus or Cleveland, often have higher insurance rates due to increased traffic and higher risk of accidents.

Insurance CompanyAverage Annual Premium
National General$1,100-$1,500
Bristol West$1,150-$1,550
The General$1,250-$1,650

Reviewing premium estimates from local carriers like Progressive, Dairyland, Travelers, and others emphasizes the impact of these factors on annual premiums.

Engaging with an experienced agent can assist in navigating the complexities and securing tailored coverage that matches your unique circumstances in Ohio.

How DUIs/Violations Tickets Affect Insurance in Ohio

In Ohio, getting insurance quotes can be a bit trickier if you have DUIs or violation tickets on your record. These incidents significantly influence your car insurance rates. Here’s a brief rundown:

  • Impact of DUIs/Violations: Having a DUI or traffic violations on your record can lead to higher insurance premiums in Ohio. Insurers view these as indicators of high-risk behavior, which translates to a higher likelihood of future claims.
  • Duration of Impact: Typically, these incidents can affect your insurance rates for up to 5 years or more, depending on the severity of the offense.

Seeking insurance quotes in Ohio after a DUI or violation requires careful comparison to find the most accommodating rates.

Impact of DUIs on Insurance Rates in Ohio

Insurance CarrierAverage Annual Premium (Post-DUI)Increase Percentage
National General$1,30020%

Note: These figures are estimates and may vary based on individual circumstances.

This concise guide aims to inform Ohio drivers about the potential impact of DUIs and traffic violations on insurance rates.

The table provides a snapshot of how rates can change post-DUI with different carriers, emphasizing the need for thorough comparison when seeking insurance quotes in Ohio.

Remember, while rates generally increase post-DUI, shopping around can help find the most reasonable options.

Best Liability Only Auto Insurance Rates in Ohio

When you’re on the hunt for insurance quotes in Ohio, especially for liability-only auto insurance, it’s essential to understand where the best rates can be found.

In Ohio, liability-only coverage is often the most budget-friendly option, particularly for drivers looking to meet the state’s minimum insurance requirements. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Comparing Rates is Key: Rates can vary significantly between insurers, so it’s crucial to compare to find the best deal for liability-only coverage.
  • Factors Affecting Rates: Your driving record, vehicle type, and even geographic location within Ohio can impact your rates.

Remember, while liability-only insurance is generally cheaper, it offers less coverage, so weigh your options carefully for the best insurance quotes in Ohio.

Liability Only Auto Insurance Rate Comparison in Ohio

Insurance CarrierAverage Annual PremiumCoverage Level
National General$750Standard

Note: These rates are estimates and can vary based on individual profiles.

How to Save Money on Homeowners Insurance in Ohio

Saving on homeowners insurance in Ohio is more straightforward than you might think.

Here’s how you can secure insurance quotes in Ohio that don’t break the bank:

  1. Bundle Your Policies: Combining your homeowners insurance with auto or life insurance can lead to discounts. Many insurers offer lower rates for multiple policies.
  2. Improve Home Security: Upgrading security systems can lower your risk profile, leading to reduced premiums. Consider installing smoke detectors, burglar alarms, or a sprinkler system.
  3. Review and Update Regularly: Your needs change over time, and so should your coverage. Regularly reviewing and adjusting your policy ensures you’re not overpaying for unnecessary coverage.

Seeking insurance quotes in Ohio with these tips in mind can lead to substantial savings on your homeowners insurance.

Homeowners Insurance Rate Savings in Ohio

Insurance CarrierStandard Annual PremiumPremium with Discounts
National General$1,150$1,035

Note: These figures are estimates and can vary based on individual circumstances and discounts applied.

Most Affordable Broadform/NonOwners Car Insurance in Ohio

When seeking affordable Broadform/NonOwners car insurance in Ohio, consider several influential factors that can impact rates significantly.

Carriers like Progressive, GEICO, and State Farm offer competitive rates for this type of coverage.

Broadform/NonOwners Insurance: For individuals without regular access to a car but occasionally drive, this coverage provides liability protection.

Rates vary but are often more affordable compared to traditional car insurance policies.

Insurance CompanyAverage Monthly Premium
State Farm$60-$80

Comparing average monthly premiums from leading carriers such as Progressive, GEICO, and State Farm highlights potential cost savings for Broadform/NonOwners car insurance in Ohio.

Business Liability Insurance in Ohio

Protecting your business in Ohio requires understanding the ins and outs of business liability insurance.

This type of insurance is crucial for safeguarding your business against various claims, including property damage, personal injury, and more.

When seeking insurance quotes in Ohio for your business, consider these key points:

  • Risk Assessment is Essential: Tailoring your coverage to your business’s specific risks is vital. Different industries have unique liability risks, which should be thoroughly assessed.
  • Compare and Choose Wisely: Rates and coverage options vary across insurers. It’s important to compare policies from different providers to ensure you’re getting the best possible coverage at a reasonable cost.

Finding the right business liability insurance in Ohio can be a game-changer for your business’s financial security and peace of mind.

Business Liability Insurance Rate Comparison in Ohio

Insurance CarrierAverage Annual PremiumCoverage Level
National General$1,400Basic

Note: These figures are estimates and can vary based on the specific needs of your business.

Best Motorcycle Insurance in Ohio

Selecting the best motorcycle insurance in Ohio involves considering factors that align with your riding needs.

Carriers like Progressive, Dairyland, and Nationwide offer comprehensive coverage tailored for Ohio riders.

Coverage Options: Evaluating available coverage options such as liability, collision, and comprehensive coverage is crucial.

These offerings ensure protection in various scenarios, from accidents to theft or damage.

Insurance CompanyComprehensive CoverageCollision CoverageLiability Coverage

Comparing coverage details and approximate monthly premiums from leading providers like Progressive, Dairyland, and Nationwide offers a comprehensive view to help you make an informed choice for the best motorcycle insurance in Ohio.

Top Car Insurance Discounts in Ohio

Searching for insurance quotes in Ohio? Don’t miss out on valuable car insurance discounts that can significantly lower your premiums. In Ohio, several discounts can make your car insurance more affordable:

  • Safe Driver Discounts: For those with a clean driving record, insurers often offer reduced rates.
  • Multi-Car Discounts: Insuring multiple vehicles with the same provider can lead to significant savings.
  • Defensive Driving Course Discounts: Completing an approved driving course can not only make you a safer driver but also reduce your insurance costs.

These discounts are a great way to save money while maintaining essential coverage. Always inquire about available discounts when getting insurance quotes in Ohio.

Car Insurance Discount Rate Comparison in Ohio

Insurance CarrierStandard Annual PremiumPremium with Discounts
National General$1,100$990

Ohio’s 50 Top Cities for Insurance Quotes

Location plays a significant role in determining auto insurance rates.

Factors such as population density, crime rates, and traffic conditions influence premiums.

In Ohio, various cities exhibit diverse characteristics that can affect insurance costs.

Here’s a list of the top 50 cities in Ohio, along with brief insights into how city location can impact auto insurance rates.

List of Top 50 Cities in Ohio and Impact on Auto Insurance Rates:

  1. Columbus: Being the most populous city, high traffic and theft rates might lead to slightly higher premiums.
  2. Cleveland: Higher crime rates in certain neighborhoods could result in increased insurance costs.
  3. Cincinnati: Traffic congestion and frequent accidents might impact insurance rates marginally.
  4. Toledo: Crime rates and incidents of vehicle theft could influence insurance premiums in some areas.
  5. Akron: Urban areas may have higher premiums due to traffic density and accident frequency.
  6. Dayton: Rates might vary based on the specific neighborhood due to crime and traffic factors.
  7. Parma: Lower crime rates in some parts could lead to relatively lower insurance costs.
  8. Youngstown: Areas with higher crime rates may experience slightly elevated insurance premiums.
  9. Canton: Factors like accidents and theft rates can influence insurance rates across neighborhoods.
  10. Lorain: Proximity to higher traffic areas may impact insurance costs marginally.
  11. Hamilton: Urban areas might see slightly higher premiums due to traffic and accident rates.
  12. Springfield: Variations in crime rates can impact insurance costs across different neighborhoods.
  13. Kettering: Lower crime rates in certain areas might lead to comparatively lower premiums.
  14. Elyria: Proximity to high-traffic zones could influence insurance rates in specific neighborhoods.
  15. Lakewood: Urban density and traffic factors may result in slightly elevated insurance costs.
  16. Cuyahoga Falls: Varying accident rates might affect insurance premiums across the city.
  17. Euclid: Crime rates and incidents of vehicle theft may impact insurance costs.
  18. Middletown: Urban areas might experience higher premiums due to traffic congestion.
  19. Mansfield: Crime rates and accident frequency could influence insurance rates.
  20. Newark: Local traffic conditions and crime rates might impact insurance premiums.
  21. Mentor: Proximity to highways and traffic corridors could affect insurance costs.
  22. Beavercreek: Neighborhood-specific crime rates may lead to varying insurance premiums.
  23. Cleveland Heights: Urban areas might see slightly higher premiums due to traffic and theft rates.
  24. Strongsville: Lower crime rates in certain parts could result in relatively lower insurance costs.
  25. Fairfield: Traffic congestion and accident rates might marginally impact insurance premiums.
  26. Grove City: Varying urban density and traffic factors may affect insurance rates.
  27. Dublin: Affluent neighborhoods might experience higher insurance costs due to vehicle value.
  28. Warren: Crime rates and traffic density might influence insurance premiums.
  29. Findlay: Local accident statistics and crime rates can impact insurance costs.
  30. Lancaster: Traffic conditions and crime rates might marginally affect insurance premiums.
  31. Huber Heights: Proximity to highways and local traffic conditions may impact insurance premiums.
  32. Westerville: Variations in crime rates might lead to fluctuations in insurance costs across neighborhoods.
  33. Delaware: Traffic congestion and local accident statistics could influence insurance rates.
  34. Lima: High-traffic zones and crime rates might affect insurance premiums in certain areas.
  35. Middletown: Urban areas might experience higher premiums due to traffic density.
  36. South Euclid: Crime rates and incidents of vehicle theft may impact insurance costs.
  37. North Ridgeville: Proximity to high-traffic areas could influence insurance rates in specific neighborhoods.
  38. Stow: Lower crime rates in certain areas might lead to comparatively lower premiums.
  39. Brunswick: Traffic conditions and crime rates might marginally affect insurance premiums.
  40. Fairborn: Urban density and traffic factors may result in slightly elevated insurance costs.
  41. Upper Arlington: Affluent neighborhoods might experience higher insurance costs due to vehicle value.
  42. Gahanna: Traffic congestion and local accident statistics could impact insurance rates.
  43. Westlake: Varying crime rates may lead to fluctuations in insurance premiums.
  44. Reynoldsburg: Urban areas might see slightly higher premiums due to traffic and theft rates.
  45. Fairview Park: Lower crime rates in certain parts could result in relatively lower insurance costs.
  46. Berea: Traffic congestion and accident rates might marginally impact insurance premiums.
  47. Marietta: Proximity to highways and traffic corridors could affect insurance costs.
  48. Norton: Neighborhood-specific crime rates may lead to varying insurance premiums.
  49. Bexley: Affluent neighborhoods might experience higher insurance costs due to vehicle value.
  50. Parma Heights: Lower crime rates in some parts could lead to relatively lower insurance costs.

Why Would I Need An SR22?

An SR-22 is a certificate proving you have the required liability coverage, often mandated after serious driving offenses. Reasons for needing one include DUI convictions, multiple traffic violations, or driving without insurance.

DUI Conviction
Traffic Offenses
No Insurance
License Suspension
Accident Involvement
Reckless Driving

How to Get a Free Insurance Quote in Ohio


Contact Us​

Start by reaching out to us, either online, by phone, or in person. Provide basic personal and vehicle information to initiate the quote process.



Provide more detailed information about your driving history, the vehicle you wish to insure, and any specific coverage needs or preferences you have



We will process your information and present you with a customized insurance quote, outlining coverage options and prices tailored to your needs.



Review the provided quote at your leisure. If you decide to proceed, you can finalize the policy, setting up payment and coverage start dates.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Insurance Quotes in Ohio

What Factors Influence Car Insurance Quotes in Ohio?

Various factors can affect your car insurance quotes in Ohio, including your driving history, the type of vehicle you drive, and your geographic location. Other factors include your age, credit history, and the type of coverage you’re seeking.

How Can I Get the Best Insurance Quote in Ohio?

To get the best insurance quote in Ohio, it’s recommended to compare rates from multiple providers. Consider bundling different types of insurance, maintaining a good driving record, and choosing a policy that fits your specific needs. Don’t hesitate to call us at 1.888.445.2793 for personalized assistance.

Are There Specific Discounts for Auto Insurance in Ohio?

Yes, there are specific discounts available for auto insurance in Ohio. These may include safe driver discounts, multi-car discounts, and discounts for completing defensive driving courses. Check with your insurance provider to see what discounts you may be eligible for.

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