Non Owners Insurance in Arkansas: Your Complete Guide

Seeking flexible coverage? Contact A Plus Insurance for a tailored Non Owners Insurance quote in Arkansas. Get personalized protection today!

Arkansas State Liability Requirements

Required Liability Coverage:
$25,000 bodily injury liability per person
$50,000 bodily injury liability per accident
$25,000 property damage liability per accident
Uninsured Motorist Coverage: Rejection Form

Understanding the Basics: What Is Arkansas Non-Owners Insurance?

Non-owners insurance is a unique kind of policy tailored for those in Arkansas who don’t own a car but occasionally drive.

This coverage is a smart move if you frequently rent vehicles, borrow a car from friends or family, or need insurance for license reinstatement.

Unlike standard auto insurance, non owners insurance Arkansas policies provide liability coverage, which means it covers the costs for damages or injuries you might cause to others while driving.

However, it doesn’t cover damages to the vehicle you’re driving, or your personal injuries.

Key points about non owners insurance in Arkansas include:

  • Coverage Focus: Liability coverage for bodily injury and property damage you cause to others.
  • Ideal For:
    • Frequent car rentals
    • Borrowing vehicles regularly
    • Needing liability coverage without owning a car
  • Not Included: Coverage for damage to the car you’re driving or your injuries.

Understanding these aspects will help you decide if non-owners insurance fits your driving needs in Arkansas.

Remember, for specific details and rate comparisons, it’s best to consult with insurance providers we work with, like Progressive or National General, to find a plan that suits your situation.

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What is the Purpose of a Named Non-Owner Policy?

Essentially, it provides liability coverage for drivers who frequently borrow or rent vehicles but don’t have their own car insurance.

This type of policy steps in to protect you in case you’re involved in an accident while driving a car that you don’t own.

It’s crucial to note that non-owner insurance typically doesn’t cover damage to the vehicle you’re driving or medical expenses for yourself, so it’s essential to understand its limitations.

A Look at Non Owners Insurance Arkansas Coverage Options

Exploring non owners insurance Arkansas policies reveals a variety of coverage options that cater to different needs.

Primarily, this insurance is designed for those who don’t own a vehicle but occasionally drive, offering essential liability protection. Here’s a breakdown of common coverage types:

  • Liability Coverage: This is the core of non-owners insurance, covering costs if you’re responsible for injuring someone or damaging their property while driving. It includes:
    • Bodily Injury Liability: Covers medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages if you injure someone in an accident.
    • Property Damage Liability: Pays for repairs to another person’s vehicle or property if you cause damage.
  • Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage: Protects you if you’re in an accident caused by a driver who doesn’t have insurance or whose insurance is insufficient to cover your damages.
  • Personal Injury Protection (PIP): Not always available in all states, but if offered, it covers medical expenses and sometimes lost wages, regardless of who is at fault in the accident.
  • Medical Payments Coverage (MedPay): Helps cover medical expenses for you and your passengers in case of an accident, regardless of fault.
  • SR-22 Certification: While not a coverage per se, non-owners policies can often include SR-22 filing for individuals who are required to show proof of financial responsibility to the state.

Note: Non-owners insurance typically does not include coverage for damages to the vehicle you are driving or comprehensive and collision coverage since it’s designed for drivers who don’t own a vehicle.

When considering non owners insurance Arkansas options, it’s important to assess your specific needs and driving habits.

For detailed information and to compare rates, connect with various insurers like Progressive, Dairyland, or National General, to find a policy that best suits your situation.

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Key Factors Influencing Non Owners Insurance Arkansas Rates

In Arkansas, several aspects dictate Non-Owners Insurance rates, including your driving history, the coverage limits you choose, and the frequency of your vehicle use.

Insurance companies consider your driving record and any past claims, impacting the premium you’ll pay.

Additionally, higher coverage limits might result in increased rates. The frequency of your vehicle use, reflected in miles driven or the duration of coverage, also affects the overall cost.

  1. Driving History: Past accidents, violations, or claims affect rates.
  2. Coverage Limits: Higher limits often mean higher premiums.
  3. Vehicle Usage: Frequency of usage, distance driven, and primary usage impact rates.
  4. Location: Zip code or area affects insurance costs due to crime rates and accident statistics.
  5. Credit History: In some states, credit history influences rates.
  6. Age and Experience: Young or inexperienced drivers may face higher premiums.
  7. Insurance History: Continuous coverage and gaps impact rates.
  8. Insurance Provider: Different carriers offer varied rates for similar coverage.
  9. Discount Eligibility: Qualification for multi-policy, safe driver, or other discounts affects rates.
  10. State Requirements: State-specific laws and regulations affect premium calculations.

These factors, among others, collectively determine the cost of Non-Owners Insurance, varying from person to person based on individual circumstances and the insurance provider’s evaluation criteria.

Arkansas Non-Owners Insurance vs. Standard Auto Insurance: A Comparative Analysis

When considering your insurance options in Arkansas, understanding the difference between non-owners insurance and standard auto insurance is crucial.

Non-owners insurance is tailored for those who don’t own a vehicle but occasionally drive.

This type of policy primarily provides liability coverage – meaning it covers damages or injuries you may cause to others, but not to the vehicle you’re driving.

It’s ideal for individuals who rent cars or borrow a friend’s car occasionally.

In contrast, standard auto insurance is a comprehensive policy designed for vehicle owners. It typically includes:

  • Liability Coverage: Like non-owners insurance, but also includes protection for your vehicle.
  • Collision Coverage: Covers damages to your car from accidents.
  • Comprehensive Coverage: Protects against non-collision-related damages, like theft or weather damage.

Key Differences:

  • Ownership: Non-owners insurance is for those who don’t own a car; standard insurance is for car owners.
  • Coverage Scope: Non-owners insurance covers liability only; standard insurance covers liability, collision, and more.
  • Cost: Non-owners insurance is generally cheaper due to limited coverage.

Uncovering Arkansas Non Owners Insurance Rates and Discounts

Non-Owners Insurance in Arkansas varies based on multiple factors like driving record, age, location, and coverage limits.

On average, premiums can range from approximately $250 to $500 annually.

Several insurance carriers offer competitive rates in the state.

For instance, Progressive and Travelers provide rates starting at $250, while Dairyland and National General offer policies starting around $350.

Discounts are available for those with a clean driving history, completion of defensive driving courses, or bundled policies.

Combining these discounts can potentially lower premiums by 5% to 15%.

Non-Owners Insurance Rates Comparison in Arkansas

Insurance CompanyAnnual Premium
National General$350
Gainsco$400 (estimate)
Assurance$400 (estimate)
Bristol West$450 (estimate)
Mendota$450 (estimate)
The General$500 (estimate)
Suncoast$500 (estimate)

Rates are estimates based on general market trends and may vary based on individual circumstances.

Discounts available for safe driving and bundled policies can significantly reduce these figures.

Here’s a list of common discounts available for Non Owners Insurance in Arkansas:

  1. Safe Driver Discount: Rewards policyholders with a clean driving history and no recent accidents or traffic violations.
  2. Defensive Driving Course Discount: Available for completing an approved defensive driving course.
  3. Multi-Policy Discount: Offers reduced rates when bundling multiple insurance policies with the same carrier.
  4. Continuous Coverage Discount: Rewards policyholders for maintaining continuous coverage without any lapses.
  5. Good Student Discount: Applies to young drivers who maintain good grades, usually a B average or higher.
  6. Driver Training Discount: Available for completing a driver training or education course.
  7. Low Mileage Discount: Discounts for policyholders who drive fewer miles than the average driver.
  8. Group Affiliation Discounts: Discounts for being a member of certain groups or organizations, like alumni associations or professional groups.
  9. Payment Method Discounts: Discounts offered for setting up automatic payments or paying the full premium upfront.
  10. Affinity Discounts: Discounts offered based on affiliations with certain employers, clubs, or other organizations.

These discounts can significantly reduce the overall premium for Non Owners Arkansas policies.

Availability and amounts can vary between insurance carriers, so it’s essential to inquire about specific discounts offered by each provider.

Non-Owners vs. Broad Form Car Insurance: Understanding the Differences

In Arkansas, choosing the right car insurance can sometimes be confusing.

Let’s clarify the differences between non-owners insurance and broad form car insurance.

Non-owners insurance is specifically designed for individuals who don’t own a car but occasionally drive others’ vehicles. This insurance primarily provides liability coverage, meaning it covers injuries or damages you cause to others while driving.

It’s ideal for those who rent or borrow cars but don’t have a car of their own.

Broad form car insurance, on the other hand, is a type of policy that covers a single driver, not a specific vehicle.

This means you’re insured on any car you drive, but it only covers damages you cause to others, not to the car you’re driving or your own injuries. Here are the key differences:

  • Coverage: Non-owners insurance covers you when driving borrowed or rented cars, while broad form insurance covers the policyholder in any vehicle they drive.
  • Flexibility: Non-owners is more suitable for occasional drivers; broad form is for those who frequently drive different vehicles.
  • Protection Level: Both offer liability coverage, but broad form extends this to any vehicle the insured person drives.

Broad form insurance policies may not be available in all states, and their availability can vary by region and insurer.

In some states, broad form insurance is offered, providing liability coverage for a single driver operating multiple vehicles.

To get the most accurate and up-to-date information, you should check with local insurance providers or the Arkansas Department of Insurance.

They can provide the current status of broad form insurance availability in Arkansas and any specific regulations or restrictions that may apply.

Debunking Common Myths About Non-Owners Insurance

With non owners insurance Arkansas, there are a few misconceptions that can lead to confusion.

Firstly, a prevalent myth is that non-owners insurance is too costly or unnecessary if you don’t drive often.

The truth is, this insurance is generally more affordable than standard auto policies because it primarily provides liability coverage.

It’s a sensible option for those who occasionally drive but don’t own a car, such as using rental services or borrowing a friend’s vehicle.

Let’s bust some common myths:

  • Myth: Non-owners insurance is only for those who frequently rent cars.
    • Fact: It’s also ideal for those who occasionally borrow vehicles or need coverage to fulfill SR22 requirements.
  • Myth: It’s more expensive than regular auto insurance.
    • Fact: Typically, it’s more affordable due to limited coverage scope.
  • Myth: Non-owners insurance covers damages to any car you drive.
    • Fact: It primarily offers liability coverage for damages or injuries you may cause to others, not for damage to the vehicle you’re driving.

Remember, for the best rates and detailed coverage options in Arkansas, checking with trusted insurers like Progressive, Dairyland, or National General is recommended.

Understanding these facts about non-owners insurance will help you make an informed decision that suits your driving needs.

The Role of Non Owners Insurance in SR22 Compliance in Arkansas

Non-Owners Insurance is crucial for individuals requiring an SR22 form, often mandated after serious driving violations.

If you’ve had your license suspended due to violations such as DUIs or reckless driving, an SR22 is required to reinstate your driving privileges.

Non-Owners Insurance with an SR22 endorsement provides liability coverage even when you don’t own a vehicle, fulfilling the state’s insurance requirements.


  • Non-Owners Policy with SR22: Offers liability coverage, meeting legal mandates without vehicle ownership.
  • SR22 Compliance: Required after severe violations like DUIs, ensuring adherence to state driving regulations.
  • Reinstating Driving Privileges: Necessary to restore a suspended or revoked license, showing financial responsibility.
  • Liability Coverage: Extends beyond vehicle ownership, providing necessary insurance in the absence of a personal vehicle.

Non-Owners Insurance with an SR22 endorsement is a vital step toward regaining driving privileges, demonstrating financial responsibility and compliance with state regulations.

Arkansas Insurance CompanyAvg. Monthly Rate ($)SR22 Fee ($)
National General7040
Bristol West5328
The General5226

SR22 Insurance Process








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Situations Where Arkansas Non-Owners Insurance May Not Be Issued

In Arkansas, while non-owners insurance is a great solution for many, there are certain situations where it might not be available.

First and foremost, if you own a vehicle, non-owners insurance isn’t the right fit. This policy is designed exclusively for those who don’t have a car but occasionally drive.

Another common scenario is if you have regular access to a vehicle, such as a family car. In this case, you’re typically expected to be listed on the car owner’s insurance policy instead.

Key Situations Where Non-Owners Insurance May Not Be Issued:

  • Vehicle Ownership: If you own a car, you’re ineligible for non-owners insurance.
  • Regular Access to a Vehicle: Regular use of a household vehicle usually requires being added to that vehicle’s policy.
  • Frequent Rental: If you rent cars very frequently, rental agencies might require you to get a standard auto insurance policy.
  • Poor Driving Record: Those with a severe or high-risk driving history might face difficulties in obtaining non-owners insurance.

Understanding these criteria is crucial in determining whether non-owners insurance is the right choice for you in Arkansas.

For specific guidance and rate information, consulting with insurers like Progressive, Dairyland, or National General can provide tailored solutions.

Arkansas State Minimum Liability Requirements

In Arkansas, whether you own a vehicle or not, understanding the state’s minimum liability requirements is key to ensuring you’re legally covered.

For non-owners insurance, these requirements are especially pertinent.

This type of insurance provides liability coverage for bodily injury and property damage that you might cause while driving a vehicle you don’t own, like a rental or a friend’s car.

Arkansas law mandates specific minimum liability limits that every driver, including those with non-owners insurance, must meet.

The Arkansas State Minimum Liability Requirements are:

  • Bodily Injury Liability: $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident.
  • Property Damage Liability: $25,000 per accident.

It’s important to note that while these are the legal minimums, they may not be sufficient in all cases.

In the event of a serious accident, costs can quickly exceed these limits. Hence, it might be wise to consider higher coverage limits for better protection.

As an insurance brokerage, we work with carriers like Progressive, Dairyland, and National General, to help you find a non-owners insurance policy that not only meets these state requirements but also fits your individual needs.

Little Rock: Non-Owners Insurance Rate Estimates

Non-owners insurance rates in Little Rock, Arkansas, can vary based on numerous factors, such as driving history, coverage needs, and the insurance company you choose.

Non owners insurance Arkansas policies typically ranges from around $30 to $60 per month.

Companies like Progressive, Dairyland, and Travelers might offer competitive rates starting at $35 per month, while others like Assurance or National General could offer rates closer to $55 per month.

These estimates are approximate and may vary based on individual circumstances and coverage requirements.

Insurance CompanyMonthly Premium ($)
National General$50
Bristol West$38
The General$37

Fort Smith: Comparative Non-Owners Insurance Rates

In Fort Smith, Arkansas, non-owners insurance rates can vary significantly based on several factors, including your driving history and how often you plan to drive.

Non-owners insurance is an excellent choice for those who don’t own a vehicle but occasionally need to drive, offering essential liability coverage.

Whether you’re borrowing a friend’s car or renting a vehicle, this insurance ensures you’re covered without the cost of a standard auto insurance policy.

It’s a practical solution for maintaining continuous insurance coverage, especially for those looking to avoid lapses in their insurance history.

To give you an idea of what to expect in Fort Smith, here’s a comparison of estimated monthly rates from various insurers:

Insurance CompanyCoverage OptionEstimated Monthly Rate
ProgressiveBasic Liability$46
DairylandExtended Liability$49
National GeneralSR22 Compliance$52

Key Points:

  • Rates depend on individual circumstances, including driving record.
  • Comparing rates from different insurers ensures the best fit for your needs.
  • Non-owners insurance is a cost-effective way to stay insured when you occasionally drive.

Fayetteville: Overview of Non-Owners Insurance Costs

In Fayetteville, Arkansas, the cost of non-owners insurance can be an important consideration for those who don’t own a vehicle but occasionally need to drive.

This type of insurance primarily offers liability coverage, making it a cost-effective option for those who may borrow a car or use rental services.

The rates for non-owners insurance in Fayetteville are influenced by factors like your driving history and the frequency with which you plan to drive.

Although it’s generally more affordable than standard auto insurance, it’s crucial to choose a policy that provides sufficient coverage for your needs.

Here’s a quick glance at estimated monthly rates for non-owners insurance in Fayetteville from different insurance providers:

Insurance CompanyCoverage OptionEstimated Monthly Rate
ProgressiveBasic Liability$44
DairylandExtended Liability$48
National GeneralSR22 Compliance$50

Essential Points:

  • Rates vary based on individual driving records and specific coverage requirements.
  • Comparing rates from various insurers, like Progressive, Dairyland, or National General, helps in finding the right coverage at an affordable price.
  • Non-owners insurance is an ideal solution for Fayetteville residents who need liability coverage without owning a car.

Springdale: Non-Owners Insurance Rates Analysis

Non-owners insurance rates in Springdale, Arkansas, can fluctuate based on various elements, such as driving history, the level of coverage required, and the insurance company you choose.

On average, non owners insurance Arkansas coverage may range from $30 to $60 per month.

Some insurers like Progressive, Dairyland, and Travelers might offer competitive rates starting at $35 per month, while others such as Assurance or National General might have rates closer to $55 per month.

These estimations are indicative and may differ based on individual circumstances and coverage preferences.

Insurance CompanyMonthly Premium ($)
National General$50
Bristol West$38
The General$37

These figures are for reference purposes only and are subject to change.

To obtain accurate pricing and coverage details based on individual requirements, it’s advisable to obtain personalized quotes from insurers.

Jonesboro: Insights into Non-Owners Insurance Pricing

In Jonesboro, Arkansas, the pricing for non-owners insurance can be an essential factor for those who need insurance but don’t own a vehicle.

This specialized insurance provides liability coverage for situations where you might drive a car that isn’t yours, like a rental or a friend’s vehicle.

The rates for non-owners insurance in Jonesboro are shaped by various factors, including your driving history and how frequently you plan to drive.

Typically, non-owners insurance is more affordable than traditional auto insurance, as it offers coverage focused on liability rather than comprehensive vehicle protection.

To give you a clearer understanding of what to expect in Jonesboro, here’s a comparison of estimated rates from a selection of insurers:

Insurance CompanyCoverage OptionEstimated Monthly Rate
ProgressiveBasic Liability$43
DairylandExtended Liability$47
National GeneralSR22 Compliance$51

Quick Takeaways:

  • Rates are individual-specific and depend on driving records and coverage needs.
  • Shopping around with insurers like Progressive, Dairyland, or National General can help you find the best rates.
  • Non-owners insurance is a practical option for Jonesboro residents needing liability coverage without owning a car.

What Happens If I’m Caught Driving Without Insurance?

License Suspension
Legal Penalties
Increased Premiums
Vehicle Impoundment
Coverage Difficulty

How to Get a Free Quote for Non Owners Insurance in Arkansas


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Frequently Asked Questions about Non Owners Insurance Arkansas Policies

What is Non-Owners Insurance in Arkansas?

Non-owners insurance in Arkansas is a type of liability insurance for individuals who don’t own a car but still drive occasionally. It covers damages or injuries that the insured might cause to others while driving a borrowed or rented vehicle.

Who Needs Non-Owners Insurance in Arkansas?

Non-owners insurance is ideal for Arkansas residents who don’t own a vehicle but occasionally drive one, such as a rental or a friend’s car. It’s also a good choice for those who need to keep continuous insurance coverage or require an SR-22 filing but don’t own a car.

How Can I Get Non-Owners Insurance in Arkansas?

To obtain non-owners insurance in Arkansas, start by comparing quotes from different insurers. Evaluate the coverage options and find a policy that fits your specific needs. For personalized assistance, feel free to call us at 1.888.445.2793 for expert advice and guidance.
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