Auto Insurance Is Investing
We Understand that insurance isn’t always cheap. But it’s important! That’s why we at A Plus Insurance want to help you find the best rates.
Insurance Is Investing- Introduction
Paying for car insurance may seem redundant to most people. Paying on the regular for something you may not use very often or may never use at all if you’re lucky can seem like a complete waste of money or a scam by insurance companies. But it is really needed and required by most states.
Consider it an investment that you make each month or every year to protect yourself from the unknown. Laws that require insurance exist for good reason. If a mistake on your part causes the other driver or their vehicle serious damage or injury, costs will be high without proper coverage.
What happens when people that are uninsured are on the road? Long court battles, financial problems, and an astronomical amount of stress.
Why Insurance Is Investing
1. Can You Afford to NOT Pay for Auto Insurance?
Accidents do happen.
Unfortunately, they can happen to anyone. Minor and serious accidents are both very common today. A serious accident could result in total destruction of one or both vehicles involved, leave someone injured unable to work, or result in a loss of life. True, car insurance can’t prevent these things from occurring, but it offers peace of mind, and security knowing that things will be paid for with the proper coverage.
Most of us today are not independently wealthy and can afford to pay a large claim when it comes up. Car insurance is something you cannot live without.
Think about it this way, if you can not financially afford the insurance premiums, how much more can you afford paying out of your own personal account? Insurance companies do not exist today to scam or screw over their customers. They were created to protect their customers from unexpected tragedies or accidents.
2. The “What If” Auto Insurance Game
Many think they are good drivers, and nothing will happen to them. But there’s other reason besides accidents to have car insurance. What if your car is stolen? What if a accidental fire happens? What if someone vandalized your car? Most policies today have provisions like extra coverage and certain services that can prove to be invaluable. Additions like roadside assistance and car rentals can be life savers when a unlikely event occurs. A big reason why insurance is investing.
You may wonder if you need both comprehensive and collision coverage. The answer is: not necessarily. If you own a older car, it may not be worth it to have both coverage on your vehicle. After all, insurance is investing. You may also ask what the difference is between these coverage. The collision coverage pays for damage to your car when in a accident. This applies regardless of whether you are at fault or the other driver. The comprehensive coverage pays for damage done in non collision accidents.
Things like natural disasters, hail, theft, and vandalism apply.
3. Do You Let People Borrow Your Vehicle?
Another thing to think about is if someone is borrowing your car, even for a short errand. While using your vehicle, your friend might hit another car. Your collision coverage can help cover these costs even if you aren’t the driver in this case. In some events, your friends insurance company may help to cover what your company can not. If your friend does not have car insurance you will be likely fully responsible for all costs. If someone other than you will be driving your car on the regular, it is important to make sure this driver is added to your policy.
Something else to think about, it’s important to add family members who are visiting for the holidays, or on college breaks. Even if they have their own car, there’s a chance they could use your vehicle on a particular occasion.
4. You Might Need More Than The Basics
An extra security measure to take would be adding a umbrella insurance policy. A umbrella policy can add extra protection when a large claim is made against you or your family. If a driver makes a claim against you in the amount of $750,000, and your policy only covers you up to $500,000 the umbrella provision can be beneficial. This is a great example of how insurance is investing.
In summary, there are many reasons why you need car insurance. First, it can save you thousands of dollars, prevent court costs, and unneeded stress and heartache. Protection for you and your family provides peace of mind, knowing things are covered in case of an accident or emergency. The time and hassle trying to fix everything without the proper coverage can completely drown your life and take away from your family and/or your job.
Car insurance can also help you pay for medical expenses incurred that health insurance will not cover. The benefits are endless. Driving without car insurance is not only illegal, but it can have a huge impact on your life. Having car insurance is a must. No one can predict the future and what may happen on the road. So insurance is investing.
A Plus Insurance
(888) 445-2793
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Last Updated on by Marlon Moss