How do I Kill this???
I wanted to take a moment and share specific thoughts I had regarding the class in hopes it may help others in the class current and or future… but also for us to also pass along to clients… as future
“Master “Investigative” Gardeners” (explained later)
This thought is largely reinforcing a statement that was almost made in passing but I believe is so vital…
Proper identification,….Whether it be of the plant, insect, or pathogen….., is Vital
During the class on Tuesday we were all given the opportunity to take clippings of a pipevine/Trumpet vine. While taking a clipping I noticed this on one of the “trumpets”:
If I am honest my first thought was:
“What harmful thing is this and what can I spray on it to kill it.” -bad habits are hard to break.
So I began to ask the most knowledgeable person in the room… which brings to one side note…I began this class with the unrealistic expectation that I would complete my 17 weeks and be an expert on all things green…. 🙂
The reality is there is so much known and unknown about plants, pathogens, etc… that this is truly more of an on going life journey and the term:
“Master Gardener”
should be termed:
“Master “Investigative” Gardener”
So With some encouragement (from LayLa Burgess) I began my research….
Low and behold what we saw in the photos was not harmful at all… It was in fact exactly what that Trumpet/pipe vine was known for…
Becomes this:
Becomes this:
Becomes this:
Becomes this:
from this….
So to answer my initial question…
How do I kill this?…
Answer….: I don’t
Lessons Learned…
From this “Master “Investigative” Gardener”… (in training) 😉
Again….. My Sincerest Thanks and Gratitude to all of the South Carolina Master Gardener Instructors! (Most especially to our local instructor LayLa Burgess)
You have all been very professional and extremely helpful, Personable, and knowledgeable.
(and on rare occasions quite funny) 😉