2006 Chrysler 300 Insurance

How Much Does My Uncle Pay For His 2006 Chrysler 300?

safe driver 225, Male , Single, Colorado Springs, CO
Year/Make Model: 2006 Chrysler 300
Ownership Status: 3 Years or More
Discounts: Electronic Funds Transfer & Paperless
2006 chrysler 300
2006 Chrysler 300
Selected Coverages With Carrier Progressive
Bodily Injury Liability: $25,000 / $50,000
Property Damage Liability: $25,000
Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury: No Coverage
Comprehensive: $1,000 Deductible
Collision: $1,000 Deductible
Other Rejected Coverages: Rental Reimbursement, Uninsured Motorist, & Roadside Assistance

Total 6 Month Premium: $1,388.50

Monthly Installments: $231.33

The quote above shows on average what a client could pay monthly during a 6 month period with Progressive. If the client had more discounts then the premium would be lower in cost, or if they removed additional coverages. Auto insurance premium rates vary per individual due to multiple factors playing into it. Cities in which have a higher accident rate will see an increased price in their insurance rates. This is due to insurance companies viewing the likely hood of an accident occurring to be greater, meaning they’ll end up paying more for the damages.

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