2007 Honda Ridgeline

What Is My Cousin Paying For His 2007 Honda Ridgeline?

safe driver 230, Male , Single , Colorado Springs, CO
Year/Make Model: 2007 Honda Ridgeline
Ownership Status: 3 Years or More
Discounts: Paperless, Paid in Full, & Continuous Insurance – Platinum II
2007 honda ridgeline insurance
2007 Honda Ridgeline
Selected Coverages With Carrier Progressive
Bodily Injury Liability: $25,000 / $50,000
Property Damage Liability: $25,000
Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury: No Coverage
Comprehensive: $1,000 Deductible
Collision: $1,000 Deductible
Other Rejected Coverages: Uninsured Motorist, Medical Payments, Rental Reimbursement, & Roadside Assistance

Total 6 Month Premium: $974.50

Monthly Installments: Paid in Full

In the sample quote above, the client chose a full coverage policy. This includes Comprehensive and Collision coverage. In the long run, the client saved more money by paying in full for the 6 month period rather than month to month. If you have a similar vehicle in Colorado springs, you may be around the same price range. However, each person will not have the exact amount as the client above due to other factors that will play into the total auto premium.

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