House Insurance
When you are purchasing a new home or already live in a home that you own, it is wise to make sure that you have insurance on it. Insurance protects you against the unknown perils that can destroy your assets.
What Does House Insurance Cover?
Dwelling – The Home Itself
House Insurance covers the Dwelling which will be the structure of the home. This will entail the floors, walls, ceiling, and roof. Anthing that is detached from the house is not covered in the dwelling coverage. Even if there is an attached deck or garage, this will be covered. If they are not attached, it will go underneath it’s own category of coverage.
Personal Property – Your Property Inside the Home
If you were to turn your house upside down and shake it, all of the items or your personal property that were to fall out is covered underneath this coverage. Your house insurance does extend out a certain percent or amount of coverage to your items such as your fridge, furniture, personal belongings. Typically you put down your deductible and then the insurance company will pick up the rest of the ACV of whatever is damaged or stolen.
Liability Coverage – If a guest gets hurt
Next time you have a BBQ or guests over into your home, make sure you have house insurance in place. If anything were to happen to your guests and you were to be sued for their injuries, you would have to come out of pocket for their medical bills. If you have home insurance in place, the insurance company will pick up those expenses.
Additional Living Expenses – When you can not live in your home
If anything were to happen to the home such as a fire, hail damage, carbon monoxide damage, you would have coverage to live or room and board elsewhere up to a certain amount with this coverage on your policy. The house insurance would help out with expenses due to the unknown, while damages are being fixed on the home.
H03- House Insurance
Perils that House Insurance Covers
Most House Insurance carriers out there will reimburse you for damages done to the home with these type of Perils.
Fire Damage
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Wind & Hail Damage
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Explosion & Falling Objects
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Theft & Vandalism
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Last Updated on by Lauren Mckenzie