2016 Dodge Challenger SXT at Liability Only

What is my Neighbors paying for their 2016 Dodge Challenger SXT?

safe driver 2(MALE, MARRIED, 20’s, 80136 STRASBURG CO)
Year/Make Model: 2016 Dodge Challenger SXT
Ownership Status: OWNED
2016 Dodge Challenger SXT
Selected Coverages with Progressive
Bodily Injury Liability: 25/50
Property Damage Liability: 25K

Uninsured Motorist Coverage: REJECTED
Comprehensive and Collision: REJECTED
Other Rejected Coverages: RENTAL, TOWING

Moving from one State to the next can be challenging, swapping auto insurance is another step in the process. We were able to price ahead of their move and get them great rates!

QUICK TIP: You have between 30 and 90 days to set up your policy in the new State.

Total 6 Month Premium PAY IN FULL: $708.58

Monthly Installments: $118.15

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