2000 Harley Davidson XL1200S Insurance

What Is My Neighbor Paying For His 2000 Harley Davidson XL1200S?

safe driver 237, Male, Single, Gaffney, South Carolina
Year/Make Model: 2000 Harley Davidson XL1200S
Ownership Status: Insured Driver
Discounts: Advance Quote, Claim Free Renewal, Responsible Driver, Automatic Card Payments, Prompt Payment
2000 Harley Davidson xl1200s insurance
2000 Harley Davidson XL1200S
Selected Coverages With Progressive
Bodily Injury Liability: $50,000 / $100,000
Property Damage Liability: $25,000
Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury: $50,000 / $100,000 / $25,000 with $200 Deductible
Comprehensive: $250 Deductible
Collision: $250 Deductible
Other Rejected Coverages: Underinsured Motorist, Enhanced Injury Protection, & Carried Contents

Total 6 Month Premium: $353.00

Monthly Installments: $34.39

The client above chose to add additional coverages to this motorcycle policy through Progressive. They also increased the liability limit for bodily injury for more than one person to $100,000. With the discounts the client has received, they only pay $34.39 a month for their policy. Make sure when speaking with an agent to see what discounts you could qualify for in order to save more money!

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