2006 Buick Lucerne Liability Insurance

What is my Neighbors paying for their 2006 Buick Lucerne?

(Male, Single, 60 years old, Grand Junction CO )
Year/Make Model: 2006 Buick Lucerne
Ownership Status: Owned
Discounts: Paperless, Auto Pay
Selected Coverages with Falcon Insurance
Bodily Injury Liability: $25,000/$50,000
Property Damage Liability: $25,000

Uninsured Motorist Coverage: N/A
Comprehensive and Collision:N/A
Other Rejected Coverages: Roadside Assistance, Towing, Medical Payments, Underinsured Motorist, Comprehensive and Collision

What is the average cost for Liability Insurance in Grand Junction Colorado, for a Male driver with 1 At Fault Accident? We were able to find our customer a great price for his 2006 Buick, despite there being a violation on his driving record. We applied a paperless discount, along with auto pay to help save on his monthly installments. Once this drivers violation falls off his record, we will be able to find him even cheaper rates!

Total 6 Month Premium: $273.00

Monthly Installments: $55.50

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