Insurance Berkeley Hills

START HERE: The State minimum required by the state: $25,000 for bodily injury or death to any one person in an accident; $50,000 for bodily injury or death to all persons in any one accident; and $15,000 for property damage.

Berkeley Hills is cheaper for both liability and full coverage than the over all average for the state. This can vary depending on the rating factors, and the optional coverages you may add on to either coverage.

Below, you will see the average liability insurance rates and full coverage insurance rates in Berkeley Hills vs the state average.

Average Annual Insurance Rates in Berkeley HillsFull 6 months
Liability Insurance Berkeley HillsLiability State Average
Full Coverage Insurance Berkeley HillsFull Coverage CO average
Insurance Berkeley Hills

Insurance Berkeley Hills: Your credit and how it impacts your insurance rates

Credit Impact on Insurance rates in Berkeley Hills:

Average Premium by ScoreAverage Rate
Insurance Berkeley Hills

Your credit score impacts quite a few important aspects in your life, for instance buying a home and a vehicle.

Did you know that it can also impact your auto insurance rates? Yes, depending on your credit score, it can affect your rates for better or worse. Each insurance company is different, but we have some numbers here for average rates by credit score.

Berkeley Hills weather and driving conditions

The driving conditions in Berkeley, Colorado are usually moderate. Summer temperatures range around 88 degrees, while the winter months average about 18 degrees.

In the winter months, with rain and snow, its advised to prepare for the weather conditions and give yourself and the vehicle in front of you extra space in case someone stops suddenly you’ll have extra room to correct.

Berkeley, Colorado
Summer High: The July high is around 88 degrees
Winter Low: The January low is 18.9 degrees
Rain: 18.1 Inches of rain a year
Snow: 65 inches of snow per year
Insurance Berkeley Hills
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Insurance Berkeley Hills Discounts available per company

TravelersThe General
Paid in FullMarried
MarriedNo Accidents or Violations
Multi VehicleAuto Pay
No Accidents or ViolationsHomeowners
HomeownersPaid in Full
Multi PolicyMulti Vehicle
Continuous InsuranceContinuous Insurance
Auto Pay
Insurance Berkeley Hills

Everybody loves seeing discounts, no matter what they are. Did you know that you can receive discounts for your auto insurance? There are quite a few discounts that insurance companies offer.

Are you aware of what you can be getting discounts on, or are you taking advantage of them? Look here at the chart and see what Travelers and The General offer in Berkeley Hills, CO.

Top 10 vehicles we insure in Berkeley Hills

Jeep is the top insured vehicle in Berkeley Hills, Colorado while the Lexus is last on the list. Jeeps have great safety features making them a favorite of all types of people. They are great for off roading, commuting, or the occasional weekend drive. Lexus is an expensive vehicle to insure because the cost of parts is expensive.

8Ford F-Models
Insurance Berkeley Hills

Insurance Berkeley Hills: Do age and gender affect your insurance rates?

It’s true what they say, good things come with age. The same thing could be applied to your auto insurance rates. The older you get, the cheaper you can see that your rates are.

Age and gender do in fact have an impact on your auto rates. If you look at the chart here, we have some pricing for male and female and what the rates look like in Berkeley Hills, CO by age.

16-18$ 231.84$ 184.09
19-24$ 193.20$ 161.00
25-30$ 139.84$ 124.84
31-40$ 110.40$ 106.08
41-50$ 109.48$ 98.44
50-65$ 99.36$ 101.48
65+$ 106.08$ 114.08
Insurance Berkeley Hills

Insurance Berkeley Hills Sample rates

When shopping around for auto insurance, you are likely going to call a few places and see which best fits your needs. There are quite a few factors that insurance companies take into consideration when giving rates.

As you can see on the chart below, we have listed some sample quotes so you can see the differences in what can impact rates.

Sample Rates in Berkeley Hills, Colorado
Sample Quote/ Policy Location: Berkeley Hills
Agent :Katie
Current Company: Bristol West
Previous Company: None
Who: Driver
Age: 55
Vehicle: Chevrolet 2500 HD Regular Cab
Type of Coverage: full coverage , uninsured motorist
Notes: multiple lines, proof of insurance
Rate: $312
Insurance Firestone-top questions to ask your insurance agent
Sample Quote/ Policy Location: Berkeley Hills
Agent :Crystal
Current Company: Dairyland
Previous Company: the General
Who: Resident
Age: 58
Vehicle: Lincoln Mark VII
Type of Coverage: broad form , state min
Notes: estimate, print
Rate: $328
Sample Quote/ Policy Location: Berkeley Hills
Agent :Jola
Current Company: Liberty Mutual
Previous Company: Liberty Mutual
Who: Resident
Age: 42
Vehicle: Lincoln Zephyr
Type of Coverage: non owners , sr22
Notes: id cards, online
Rate: $215
Sample Quote/ Policy Location: Berkeley Hills
Agent :Jola
Current Company: Mendota
Previous Company: Safeco
Who: Male
Age: 26
Vehicle: Ford Econoline E350 Super Duty Passenger
Type of Coverage: liability , med pay
Notes: DUI, estimate
Rate: $238
Sample Quote/ Policy Location: Berkeley Hills
Agent :Shawn
Current Company: Progressive
Previous Company: American Family
Who: Female
Age: 55
Vehicle: Lincoln Aviator
Type of Coverage: auto insurance , med pay
Notes: now, Discount
Rate: $240
Sample Quote/ Policy Location: Berkeley Hills
Agent :Amy
Current Company: Mendota
Previous Company: Progressive
Who: Resident
Age: 56
Vehicle: Chevrolet Silverado 1500 Crew Cab
Type of Coverage: broad form , sr22
Notes: Ticket, online
Rate: $232
Insurance Berkeley Hills

Insurance Berkeley Hills Cheapest liability insurance rates in Berkley Hills

We have ranked each Insurance Provider that we work with in Berkeley, Colorado based on the cheapest rates they provide.

Dairyland on average is the cheapest, while The General is the most expensive. Other companies like Progressive, or Travelers may be a better fit for customers given their paperless preferences, auto pay discounts, etc.

RankCompanyAverage Price
1Dairyland (Viking)$82.00
5Liberty Mutual$111.00
6Bristol West$119.00
7The General$123.00
Insurance Berkeley Hills

SR22 Insurance rates in Berkeley

Most Insurance companies offer SR-22 filings, which are simply an attachment on an auto policy, or broad form policy to inform the DMV that you are carrying insurance, as required.

Dairyland Insurance does not charge for SR-22, Bristol West charges the highest, $35 for the filing, while others charge a $25 flat rate price for the entire term.

Below is amount the amounts company adds to the premium to file the SR22 with the state.

SR22 Insurance Rates in Berkeley Hills, Colorado:

CompanyAverage (SR22 Fee)
Assurance America$25
Bristol West$35
Progressive5% (average)
State FarmSR22 Not available
The General$25
TravelersSR22 Not available
Insurance Berkeley Hills

Violations and how long they affect your insurance rates in Berkeley Hills

When you receive violations, it affects more than your driving record. It also affects your auto insurance rates.

Now, there are several different kinds of violations and each affect you differently. There are major, minor, and non moving violations.

Each come with different number of points on your record and different lengths of time that it can stay impacting your rates.

Look at the chart below to see some examples:

Violation NameMajor, Minor, or Non MovingHow Long it Will Affect Your Insurance Rates
ParkingNon MovingNA*
Reckless DrivingMajor5 Years
At Fault AccidentMajor5 Years
Driving without a LicenseMajor3 Years
Failure to YeldMinor3 Years
Failure to Use Turn SignalMinor3 Years
Failure to Use a Seat BeltNon MovingNA*
Failure to Maintain Clear Distance (tailgating)Minor3 Years
Failure to Secure Load to truck/trailerMinor3 Years
Crossing over a Center DividerMinor3 Years
Non-At-Fault AcccidentMinorNA*
Expired TagsNon MovingNA*
Insurance Berkeley Hills

Frequently Asked Questions About Auto Insurance in Berkeley Hills, Colorado

Q1: What are the minimum auto insurance requirements in Berkeley Hills, Colorado?

A1: In Berkeley Hills, Colorado, drivers are required to have liability auto insurance coverage with minimum limits of $25,000 for bodily injury or death per person, $50,000 for bodily injury or death per accident, and $15,000 for property damage.

Q2: What additional coverage options should I consider for my Berkeley Hills auto insurance?

A2: For your Berkeley Hills auto insurance, consider additional coverage options like uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage, comprehensive coverage, collision coverage, and personal injury protection (PIP). These options can provide extra protection and peace of mind on the road.

Q3: How can I find affordable auto insurance rates in Berkeley Hills, CO?

A3: To find affordable auto insurance rates in Berkeley Hills, Colorado, consider comparing quotes from multiple insurance providers. Additionally, look for discounts related to factors like safe driving, bundling policies, and maintaining a good credit score. Collaborating with an independent insurance agent can help you explore your options and locate competitive rates.

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Last Updated on by Brian Muse

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