State Minimum Liability Insurance

What Is My Neighbor Paying for Their 2009 Nissan Titan?

safe driver 222, Female, Single, South Carolina
Year/Make Model: 2009 Nissan Titan
Ownership Status: Owned
Discounts: Paperless, Automatic Payment via Bank Draft, Continuous Insurance, Dynamic Drive Discount
Selected Coverages With National General (All State)
Bodily Injury Liability: $25,000 per person/$50,000 per accident
Property Damage Liability: $25,000

Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist: $25,000 per person/$50,000 per accident

Roadside Assistance: Included
Other Rejected Coverages: Medical Payments, Comprehensive, Collision, Rental Reimbursement

This is a sample quote for the South Carolina State Minimum Liability Requirements. Female driver, 22 years old was looking for affordable insurance on her owned 2009 Nissan Titan. We applied a paperless discount, auto pay, and Dynamic Drive Discount.

Please note that this is only meant as an example and prices may vary depending on several factors.

Total 6 Month Premium: $1257.00

Monthly Installments: $308.55

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