South Carolina Liability Insurance

2014 Honda Accord

safe driver 2(60 year old male, South Carolina)
Year/Make Model: 2014 Honda Accord
Ownership Status: 1 month
Discounts: continuous insurance discount, eft, multi-policy, snapshot protection, paid in full, paperless
2009 honda crv
Selected Coverages With Progressive
Bodily Injury Liability: 25/50
Property Damage Liability: 25
Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury: 25/50
Comprehensive: N/A
Collision: N/A
Other Rejected Coverages: N/A

One of our clients called in looking for the cheapest liability coverage we could offer and we delivered! We were able to find him the cheapest premium with Progressive at $906. He was also able to qualify for many discounts such as continuous discount, eft, multi-policy discount, paperless discount and many more! Making his monthly payment $151.83 which he wasn’t disappointed with!

Total 6 Month Premium: $906

Monthly Installments: $151.83

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