South Carolina Full Coverage

2017 Chevrolet Camaro

safe driver 229 year old male, Single, South Carolina)
Year/Make Model: 2017 Chevrolet Camaro
Ownership Status: 1+ year
Discounts: Renewal, Recurring Electronic Payment, Full Coverage Discount, Electronically Verified Proof of Prior
2017 Chevrolet Camaro South Carolina Full Coverage
Selected Coverages With Assurance America
Bodily Injury Liability: $25,000 per person/ $50,000 per accident
Property Damage Liability: $25,000 per accident
Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury: $25,000 per person/ $50,000 per accident
Comprehensive: 1,000 deductible
Collision: 1,000 deductible
Other Rejected Coverages: N/A

One of our South Carolina clients had previous insurance with Progressive but was wanting to see different quotes to see if rates have changed. We found the best rate for him with Assurance America with a 6 month payment of $324.65. He also opted to get a 1,000 deductible for Comprehensive and Collison. He also saved a lot by qualifying for discounts like proof of prior insurance, recurring electronic payments, full coverage discount, and many more!

Total 6 Month Premium: $1,913

Monthly Installments: $324.65

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