What Does My Neighbor in Colorado Springs pay for Liability Only for his 2007 Ford Focus?
(Male, SINGLE, 30’s, in Colorado Springs, CO) |
Year/Make Model: 2007 Ford Focus |
Selected Coverages with Falcon |
Bodily Injury Liability: $25,000/$50,000 |
Property Damage Liability: $$25,000 Uninsured Motorist Coverage: Rejected |
Personal Injury Protection: N/A |
Comprehensive and Collision: None |
Other Rejected Coverages: RENTAL, TOWING, Medical payments |
If you are really trying hard to save on your auto insurance, see if liability only is a good fit for you. This means you will not be covered for vehicle damage with coverages such as comprehensive and collision. However, if you have an older vehicle, this might be a good option for you.
Monthly Installments: $68