Colorado Springs Homeowners Insurance

What Is My Neighbor Paying For Their Colorado Springs Homeowners Insurance?

Female, 53, Divorced – Colorado Springs, CO
Year of Home: 1973
Ownership Status: Owned
Discounts: Paperless, Automatic Payments, Bundling Discount
Colorado Springs Homeowners Insurance
1970 Home in Colorado
Selected Coverages With Travelers
Dwelling: $252,000
Other Structures: $24,000
Uersonal Property Coverage:$121,000
Personal Liability: $300,000
Medical Payments: $5,000
Other Rejected Coverages: Water backup coverages, and replacement costs

This is a sample rate of a homeowner in Coloradod Springs. Their Colorado Springs Homeowners Insurance is bundled with their auto currently offering a savings. Typically the more products you bundle togehter give you more of a savings annually. The dwelling for this home is average in colorado springs.

Total 12 Month Premium: $1854

Monthly Installments: $154.63

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