2004 Ford Escape Insurance

2004 Ford Escape

What is my neighbor paying for their 2004 Ford Escape?

Auto-Liability, 2004 Ford Escape

See a sample rate for a Male Driver / Single 34 year old with No Violations – Liability Only.

2004 Ford Escape: SAMPLE QUOTE

Coverages and Other Factors
Coverage Type: Liability Only
Number of Vehicles on Policy: 1
Year/Make/Model: 2004 Ford Escape
Ownership Status: Own/Paid Off
Roadside/Towing: No
Rental Coverage: No
More Auto Coverage Details
Insurance Company: Progressive Insurance Company
Liability Limits: $25,000 each person / $50,000 each accident / $25,000 Property Damage
Uninsured Motorist: Rejected
Underinsured Motorist: Rejected
Medical Payments: Rejected
Comprehensive/Collison Deductible: None

Insurance Rating Factors

State: Melbourne, Iowa

Gender: Male

Age Group: Early 30’s

Legal Marital Status: Single

Prior Insurance: Yes

Violations: No

SR-22: Not Required

Discounts Applied:

Education Discount
Paperless Discount
Multi-Vehicle Discount
Automatic Payments
Driving App
3-Year-Safe-Driving: Safe Driver Discount
Bundle/Multi-Policy Discount
Continuous Insurance
5-Year-Accident-Free: Good Driver Discount

Disclaimer: The purpose of this page is to showcase an estimate of what insurance may cost an individual with these products and/or circumstances. This is based on a real quote.

What Is Iowa’s State Minimum Auto Insurance Requirement?

The state minimum auto insurance requirements in Iowa were as follows:

  1. Liability Coverage:
    • $20,000 for bodily injury or death of one person in an accident.
    • $40,000 for bodily injury or death of multiple people in an accident.
    • $15,000 for property damage in an accident.

These liability coverage amounts ensure that if you’re at fault in an accident, your insurance will cover the costs of injuries or damages to other parties involved.

Keep in mind that insurance requirements can change over time, so it’s always a good idea to check with your local Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) or an insurance provider for the most up-to-date information on Iowa’s auto insurance requirements.

Why Should I Consider Increasing From State Minimum Liability Only Insurance?

Opting for higher insurance coverage than the state minimum liability requirements can offer you several benefits and added protection. Here are some reasons to consider increasing your auto insurance coverage beyond the state minimum:

  1. Better Protection for Assets: If you cause an accident that results in significant injuries or property damage, the state minimum coverage might not be enough to cover all the expenses. Without sufficient coverage, you might be personally responsible for paying the remaining costs out of pocket. Increasing your coverage can help protect your assets from being seized to cover these costs.
  2. Medical Expenses: State minimum liability insurance typically only covers the other party’s medical expenses. If you or your passengers are injured in an accident, you might not have coverage for your medical bills without additional insurance. Increasing your coverage can provide for medical expenses regardless of fault.
  3. Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage: This coverage protects you if you’re in an accident with a driver who doesn’t have insurance or doesn’t have enough insurance to cover your damages. By increasing this coverage, you ensure that you’re financially protected even if the other driver is not adequately insured.
  4. Legal Requirements: In some cases, if you’re involved in a more serious accident and the costs exceed your coverage limits, you could be personally sued for the remaining amount. Higher coverage can help reduce the risk of legal and financial complications in such situations.
  5. Peace of Mind: Knowing that you have substantial coverage can offer peace of mind while driving. Accidents are unpredictable, and having sufficient insurance can alleviate the stress of worrying about potential financial burdens.
  6. Lender or Lease Requirements: If you have a car loan or lease, the lender or leasing company might require you to have comprehensive and collision coverage. State minimum liability coverage might not meet these requirements.
  7. Affordability: While increasing coverage might lead to slightly higher premiums, the extra protection often comes at a relatively reasonable cost. The financial security and potential savings in the event of an accident can outweigh the slightly higher monthly payments.

Ultimately, the decision to increase your auto insurance coverage depends on your individual circumstances, risk tolerance, and budget. It’s advisable to speak with insurance professionals to understand the options available to you and to make an informed decision based on your needs.

What Is the Reputation of a 2004 Ford Escape?

The 2004 Ford Escape has a mixed reputation, with both positive and negative aspects to consider. Here’s an overview of its reputation based on information available up to September 2021:

Positive Aspects:

  1. Versatility: The 2004 Ford Escape was known for its versatile design, offering a comfortable ride for daily commuting while also having the capability for light off-road and outdoor activities.
  2. Interior Space: The Escape’s interior was considered spacious for its class, with a fold-flat rear seat that allowed for additional cargo space when needed.
  3. Choice of Engines: The 2004 Escape offered a variety of engine options, including a four-cylinder engine for better fuel efficiency and a V6 engine for more power and towing capacity.
  4. All-Wheel Drive Option: The availability of an all-wheel-drive (AWD) system provided improved traction and stability, making it a practical choice for driving in various conditions.
  5. Competitive Pricing: The Escape generally had a competitive price point compared to other SUVs in its class, making it an attractive option for budget-conscious buyers.

Negative Aspects:

  1. Reliability Issues: Some owners reported reliability issues, including problems with the transmission, engine, and various components. These issues could lead to unexpected repairs and maintenance costs.
  2. Fuel Economy: While the Escape’s four-cylinder engine offered decent fuel efficiency, the V6 engine’s fuel economy was often criticized as being lower than expected.
  3. Interior Quality: The interior materials and build quality were often seen as subpar compared to some competitors, leading to issues like rattles and wear over time.
  4. Safety Concerns: In terms of safety, the 2004 Ford Escape received mixed reviews. While it had some safety features, it didn’t always perform as well in crash tests compared to newer vehicles with more advanced safety technologies.
  5. Resale Value: The Escape’s resale value might not be as strong as some other vehicles in its class due to its reputation for reliability issues and the overall competitive nature of the SUV market.

It’s important to note that individual experiences with any vehicle can vary widely. Before purchasing a used 2004 Ford Escape, it’s advisable to have a pre-purchase inspection done by a trusted mechanic to identify any potential issues. Additionally, you can research online owner forums and reviews to get a better understanding of the specific experiences of other owners with this particular model year.

6-Month Premium:


Monthly Installments:


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