1988 Chevrolet C1500

What is my Neighbors paying for their 1988 Chevrolet C1500?

safe driver 2(MALE, SINGLE, 20’s, 80236 DENVER CO)
Year/Make Model: 1988 Chevrolet C1500
Ownership Status: OWNED
1988 Chevrolet C1500
Selected Coverages with Suncoast
Bodily Injury Liability: 25/50
Property Damage Liability: 25K

Uninsured Motorist Coverage: REJECTED
Comprehensive and Collision: REJECTED
Other Rejected Coverages: RENTAL, TOWING

With our clients truck up and running he needed a policy quick to be legal. 1988 Chevrolet C1500 is a workhorse that has now become his friends part-time moving truck, perfect for hauling mulch. Still has to be covered at liability and Suncoast Insurance filled the bill.

QUICK TIP: Consider adding uninsured motorist coverage to your policy, it can save you a headache..

Total 6 Month Premium PAY IN FULL: $576.58

Monthly Installments: $96.15

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