Time Management Quiz

Time Management Quiz

Instructions: Answer each question and write down the points for your chosen answer. Add up your total points at the end and refer to the legend below to see your results.

Not at all = 1 point Rarely = 2 points Sometimes = 3 points Often = 4 points Very often = 5 points
Not at all = 5 points Rarely = 4 points Sometimes = 3 points Often = 2 points Very often = 1 point
Not at all = 1 point Rarely = 2 points Sometimes = 3 points Often = 4 points Very often = 5 points
Not at all = 1 point Rarely = 2 points Sometimes = 3 points Often = 4 points Very often = 5 points
Not at all = 5 points Rarely = 4 points Sometimes = 3 points Often = 2 points Very often = 1 point

Write down your points for each question and calculate the total score.

Results Legend

21-25 points: Excellent time management skills! You prioritize well and make the most of your time.

16-20 points: Good time management, but there’s still room for improvement.

11-15 points: Average time management. You may need to focus more on prioritization and planning.

6-10 points: Poor time management. Focus on reducing interruptions and planning your tasks effectively.

5 points or below: You need to completely rethink your approach to time management.

Last Updated on by Veronica Moss

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