Non-owners Broadform in Pueblo CO

What is my Neighbors paying for their Non-owners Broadform in Pueblo CO?

Safe Driver 2(MALE, SINGLE, 40’s, 81007 Pueblo CO)
Year/Make Model: Non-owners Broadform
Ownership Status: NA
Selected Coverages with Mendota
Bodily Injury Liability: 25/50
Property Damage Liability: 15K

Uninsured Motorist Coverage: REJECTED
Comprehensive and Collision: REJECTED
Other Rejected Coverages: RENTAL, TOWING

A Non-owners Broadform is the edge you may need to get covered legally and operate a vehicle if it is available to you. Note: If you own a vehicle you cannot get a non-owners broadform.

DEFINITION OF TERMS: A Non-owners Broadform is a policy that follows the driver rather than the vehicle. It is the perfect policy when you need to drive another vehicle some times, but need to be legal to do it.

Total 6 Month Premium PAY IN FULL: $390.58

Monthly Installments: $65.15

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