What Is My Neighbor Paying for Their 2006 Chevrolet Aveo?
(61, Female, Single, Colorado Springs, CO)
Year/Make Model: 2006 Chevrolet Aveo
Ownership Status: Owned
Discounts: Paperless, Continuous Insurance, Multi Vehicle, Auto Pay, 5 years accident free, 3 years safe driving
2006 Chevrolet Aveo
Selected Coverages With Progressive
Bodily Injury Liability: 25,000 per person, 50,000 per accident
Property Damage Liability: 25,000
Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury: 25,000 per person, 50,000 per accident
Other Rejected Coverages: Medical Payments, Comprehensive, Collision, Roadside Assistance, Rental Reimbursement
Additional Vehicles Owned & Insured
Year/Make Model: 1992 Mercury Topaz
Ownership Status: Owned
Discounts: Paperless, Continuous Insurance, Multi Vehicle, Auto Pay, 5 years accident free, 3 years safe driving
1992 Mercury Topaz
Selected Coverages With Progressive
Bodily Injury Liability: 25,000 per person, 50,000 per accident
Property Damage Liability: 25,000
Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury: 25,000 per person, 50,000 per accident
Other Rejected Coverages: Medical Payments, Comprehensive, Collision, Roadside Assistance, Rental Reimbursement
Year/Make Model: 1984 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme
Ownership Status: Owned
Discounts: Paperless, Continuous Insurance, Multi Vehicle, Auto Pay, 5 years accident free, 3 years safe driving
1984 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme
Selected Coverages With Progressive
Bodily Injury Liability: 25,000 per person, 50,000 per accident
Property Damage Liability: 25,000
Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury: 25,000 per person, 50,000 per accident
Other Rejected Coverages: Medical Payments, Comprehensive, Collision, Roadside Assistance, Rental Reimbursement
This is not an actual cost estimator. However, the information provided here gives a glimpse what a person with similar rating factors might pay for their insurance rates. But there are many unseen factors that could affect a person’s premium, such as violations, credit history, etc.