2014 Hyundai Tuscon Insurance

2014 Hyundai Tuscon Insurance

safe driver 253 Year Old Female, Single (80863)
Year/Make Model: 2014 Hyundai Tuscon
Ownership Status: Owned
Discounts: Recurring Electronic Payment, Full Coverage Discount,
2014 Hyundai Tuscon
2014 Hyundai Tuscon
Liability Coverages with Mendota
Bodily Injury Liability: $25,000 Per Person, $50,000 per accident
Property Damage Liability: $25,000 Property Damage
Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury: N/A
Comprehensive: $500
Collision: $500
Roadside: Standard
Other Rejected Coverages:
Rental Reimbursement

2014 Hyundai Tuscon -“Full coverage” is not a specific term used in the insurance industry, and its meaning can vary depending on the insurance company and the state where you live. However, in general, full coverage typically refers to a combination of liability coverage, comprehensive coverage, and collision coverage.

Liability coverage is required by law in Colorado and helps pay for damages or injuries you may cause to other people or their property in a car accident. Comprehensive coverage helps pay for damages to your car that are caused by events other than a car accident, such as theft, vandalism, or severe weather. Collision coverage helps pay for damages to your car if you are involved in a car accident.

Total 6 Month Premium: $1,894.00

Monthly Installments: $289.10

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