2006 Nissan Titan Insurance

What Is My Neighbor Paying For His 2006 Nissan Titan?

safe driver 260, Male, Single, Hoosick Falls, New York
Year/Make Model: 2006 Nissan Titan
Ownership Status: 3 Years or More
Discounts: Anti-Lock Brakes, Drivers and Passenger-side Airbag, 3 Years Safe Driving, Snapshot, Continuous Insurance Discount – Platinum I
2006 Nissan Titan Insurance
2006 Nissan Titan
Selected Coverages With Progressive
Bodily Injury Liability: $25,000 / $50,000
Property Damage Liability: $10,000
Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury: $25,000 / $50,000
Comprehensive: No Coverage
Collision: No Coverage
Other Rejected Coverages: Optional Basic Economic Loss, Medical Payments, Comprehensive, Collision, Rental Reimbursement, & Roadside Assistance

Total 6 Month Premium: $285.00

Monthly Installments: $52.67

The client listed has a 2006 Nissan Titan in Hoosick Falls, NY. He chose to have New York’s State minimum requirement for liability insurance. However, in New York, it is also mandatory to have Personal Injury Protection of at least $50,000. If you have similarities to the quote above, but are in another location, prices for your premium with Progressive may be subject to change due to many factors that go into an auto policy. Connect with an A Plus Agent today to see what you could receive for a quote!

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