2006 Honda Civic Insurance

what does my neighbor pay for their 2006 Honda Civic?

safe driver 230, Female, Single, Breckenridge, Colorado
Year/Make Model: 2006 Honda Civic
Ownership Status: 3 Years or More
Discounts: Paperless, Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), 3 Years Safe Diving, Continuous Insurance- Platinum
Selected Coverages With Progressive
Bodily Injury Liability: $25,000 / $50,000
Property Damage Liability: $25,000
Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury: No coverage
Comprehensive: No coverage
Collision: No coverage
Other Rejected Coverages: Medical Payments, Uninsured Motorist, Comprehensive, Collision, Rental Reimbursement, & Roadside Assistance

Total 6 Month Premium: $207.50

Monthly Installments: $34.50

The client above received an amazing deal on her 6 month auto premium with Progressive. She chose to have Colorado’s State minimum liability limits for her policy. With the client choosing this and having multiple discounts applied, she saved more money overall than she would have if she had no discounts applied. While every State requires insured’s to hold a minimum liability limit, it is always recommended to increase those limits due to accidents being of a higher value than what the State requires.

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