1998 Subaru Legacy Outback Insurance

What Is My Friend Paying For Her 1998 Subaru Legacy Outback?

safe driver 226, Female , Single , Lincoln City, Oregon
Year/Make Model: 1998 Subaru Legacy Outback
Ownership Status: 3 Years or More
Discounts: Automatic Card Payments, Snapshot, & Paperless
1998 subaru legacy outback insurance
1998 Subaru Legacy Outback
Selected Coverages With Carrier Progressive
Bodily Injury Liability: $25,000 / $50,000
Property Damage Liability: $25,000
Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury: $25,000 / $50,000
Comprehensive: No Coverage
Collision: No Coverage
Other Rejected Coverages: Uninsured Motorist, Comprehensive, Collision, Rental Reimbursement, & Roadside Assistance

Total 6 Month Premium: $426.00

Monthly Installments: $34.86

The client above got their State minimum liability insurance requirements. They also added Personal Injury Protection (PIP) to their premium, which is required by all drivers in the State of Oregon. Typically, older vehicle models do not need to have full coverage on a policy, this also lowers the clients total auto premium as well.

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